Liferay – adding a Type to the Web Content (former Journal)

This entry was posted by on Monday, 7 December, 2009 at

Adden of a Web Content Type

You can not do this via the GUI, you have to edit the property files

in WEB-INF\classes\ create key

# Article Types to webContent - added jobAnnouncement

in  WEB-INF\classes\content\ resolving the language key

YOUR_CONTENT_TYPE=Name of your Content type displayed

5 Responses to “Liferay – adding a Type to the Web Content (former Journal)”

  1. MohaMed

    How I can get the types by code??

  2. imrabti

    Ya, Me too I wana use the webcontent Type to create a new Validation workflow that use the webcontent type in order to find the validator.

    Soo Please how I can get the type by code ??

  3. Klaus

    Sorry, can’t help. It has been some time since i payed with Liferay.
    As you know documentation is not that good. The company behind Liferay seams to make money by traning and consulting. When the documentation is lacking there is money to be made.


  4. mvmn

    String[] com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticleConstants.TYPES

  5. I just start to developing in liferay,adding a Type to the Web Content is new and useful for me, getting new and improved my knowledge after reading this.

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