swfupload: distributed enviroment, upoading to a other server
swfupload is a great utility to do fancy uploads. Supports multiple uploads at once, nice progress bars, uses flash. So all things have good and bad sides.
If you work in a distributed enviroment and want to upload not to your metadata server but to one of you satelite-servers, flash says: no cross domain posting. But there is a workaround. Create a crossdomain.xml
in the root folder of the server you’re uploading to. It should look a bit like this
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy
SYSTEM “http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd”>
<allow-access-from domain=”tintifax.yourdomain.com” />
<allow-access-from domain=”*.otherdomain.com” />