It seams to me that handling of UNC paths changed since the last version i used. After some pain i am now able to sync from europe to china again. Here are some hints for other poor souls that may prove helpfull:
* If you are using rsync on windows to sync to an UNC Path (\\server\some\path) on the receiving end – be sure to run the service as an account that can access the share. In my case a domain user was needed, the local service account (svccwrsync) failed of course
* UNC Paths worked previously like this (in rsyncd.donf):
path = \\fshsmsxxx\d$\Public Share\Engineering\somePath
Not any longer. Now with rsync 3.07 its
path = //fshsmsxx/d$/Public Share/Engineering/somePath
Using cwrsync 4.04 a lot of “chown failed: Invalid argument (22)” showed up.
After some research the following tricks removed those annoying erros:
In rsyncd.conf set user and group to :
uid = 0
gid = 0
in the rsync call, replace -a (which is short for -rlptgoD (recursive, copy symlinks, preserve permissions, preserve modification times, preserve group, preserve owner , preserve device files,preserve special files ) )
with -rt (recursive, preserve times)
Now using
rsync –super –recursive –delete –compress –times testSource CWsync@targetServer::testDestination
see for details
Server full, or a session handing .. you know it’s a pain. But how to remotly get you a free session?
First check the sessions
qwinsta /server:<servername>
console 0 Verbunden wdcon
rdp-tcp 65536 Bereit rdpwd
rdp-tcp#5 xxchr95 2 Aktiv rdpwd
rdp-tcp#13 xxkla19 1 Aktiv rdpwd
Then, kick a sesson
rwinsta 2 /server:<servername>
Where 2 is the Session Id from the qwinsta command
Or, if you happen to be admin on the target machine take over the console RDP session
mstsc /console /v:<server>
So you are using mysql and have some data in your DB … say 2 million rows or something. Not it’s about time to see how your SQL queries are doing, do some profiling, but … but how to you find out what sql queries are slow? Where you are missing that index? Try the following in your mysql.ini
#enable slow query logs
log-slow-queries = d:/your/path/to/log/slow.log
# default of “slow” is 10 seconds, set it to 1
long_query_time = 1
# log *EACH AND ANY* query not using an index (this may be a lot till you fix it)
Then you see where you’re not using the index, where you forgot it. Maybe use EXPLAIN on some of your longer queries to find out how to improve them
#enable slow query logs
log-slow-queries = d:/phpapps/xampp/mysql/log/slow.log
# default of "slow" is 10 seconds, set it to 1
long_query_time = 1
# log *EACH AND ANY* query not using an index (this may be a lot till you fix it)
Damn, this feels dirty …
Sub LogDateiInMSql(query)
db_server = "localhost"
db_user = "root"
db_pass = ""
db_name = "eparcel"
' init connection to MySQL
Set conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' you need the odbc driver installed, obviously
strConnectString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};" & "SERVER=" & db_server & ";" _
& " DATABASE=" & db_name & ";" & "UID=" & db_user & ";PWD=" & db_pass & "; OPTION=3"
conn.Open strConnectString
If conn.State = 1 Then
MsgBox "connected"
MsgBox "connection failed"
End If
Set rs=CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
Set rs = conn.Execute(Sql)
Do While not rs.EOF
MsgBox rs(0)
End Sub
LogDateiInMSql("show tables")
Just so i do not forget it:
mysqldump -hservername –user=backupuser –password=backupuserpassword –verbose databasename > backupfile.dmp
-h<servername> has no space between the -h flag and the hostname. No idea how they came to that idea.
<backupuser> has to has loginrights from any host or from your host table (the usual local user will not work)
<backupuser> needs LOCK TABLE permission for that DB
–verbose makes your live much easier
Do the dumping on the old repository
svnadmin dump /var/oforge/svn/PROJJECT_NAME > DUMPFILE
Importing in the new repository
svnadmin load /data1/svnroot/grz_yy_test/ < DUMPFILE
Note that the whole structure in imported/exported, so mind existing /trunk directories
If the enviroment variable http_proxy is set wget will automaticly use it
set http_proxy=
wget -proxy on
set http_proxy=
If you need to use rsync with a proxy:
set enviroent variable RSYNC_PROXY, if this is set rsync automaticly uses this proxy on port 873
rsync -auv –delete –stats /cygdrive/c/source/directory username@hostname::rsync_share
If you are using an apache as proxy your config should be looking a bit like this
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
AllowCONNECT 873
I had Adobe Acrobat on my system and tried to upgrade. Adobe Installer complained some .msi file could not be found, so uninstalling or upgrading would not work. Nice work Adobe. For what do i need the installer when I got the new version at hand?
After some trying, swearing and googeling I came across the WINDOWS INSTALLER CLEANUP UTILITY. Yes, Microsoft has a tool for screwed up Installers. Better yet, it works fine. Nuked Acrobat from my system.
Will not touch it again, using Foxit Reader now. Displays PDFs, is fast, works.